Monday, December 1, 2008


I don't know about you but I have loved Revelation 4-5 as we've
studied it over the last 2 weekends. It's been an indescribable view
into the future as John did his best to put it all into words. It's
also been refreshing after we studied about so many churches that
didn't have many people there living the true life of a Christian.
It's been great learning about this incredible worship, but now the
stage is set. The Lamb who was slain has taken the title deed to the
earth from the right hand of God and He is the only one worthy to open
its seals. Starting this weekend, God's wrath will be poured out on
the earth unlike any other time in history. It's about to get crazy as
we continue to study- don't miss out!


Sent from my iPhone

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