Friday, April 3, 2009

God's Idea of "All-You-Can-Eat"

Revelation 19 gives us a unique picture of God's idea of an all-you-can-eat buffet. In the first 10 verses, we'll see a picture of us, the followers of Christ, feasting on all-you-can-eat VICTORY! There's rejoicing, singing, and praising God for His almighty power. In fact, the scene is called "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb." We, the bride of Christ, will finally be united with our groom, Jesus!

Then, there's the other side of the buffet - DEFEAT. God's enemies have suffered defeat after defeat, but in Revelation 19, it's finally over for them. We see Jesus, on a white horse, riding to defeat His enemies at Armageddon. We're with him in pure white robes, but we have no weapons. Can you guess why? Because we don't have to fight! With a word a judgment from His mouth, all of Christ's enemies are slaughtered and there's unprecedented bloodshed. In fact, Henry Morris described it this way - A mighty cutting wind sweeps across their ranks, up the 180-mile column of massed men and horses, proceeding like a slicing sword directly from the powerful Word of the majestic Rider as He rides up from Edom. Like grapes trampled in a winepress, the blood bursts from their veins and death is instantaneous. Wow! Not only do God's enemies get a hearty helping of defeat, but the birds of the air get a buffet of their own! Revelation 19:21 says And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.

Read Revelation 19 in preparation for God's Idea of "All-You-Can-Eat"! Hope to see you this weekend for an unforgettable service!

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