Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2 EPIC nights that you don't want to miss!!!

EVERYONE (middle school, high school, college, and adult) is invited to these events, so spread the word!

Revelation Recap Night is coming up Wednesday, May 6. We'll take a look back at the entire book of Revelation. It's taken us 9 months to study the whole thing, but we'll get an overview of the whole book in one awesome night! Check the video HERE!

RSVP for this event and get the word out on our Revelation Recap Facebook event page.

With One Voice Worship Night is coming up in 2 weeks - Wednesday, May 13. We're inviting everyone from 5th grade-adult to come worship with us as we wrap up the book of Revelation! It will be an unforgettable night as we lift our hands and our voices together and reflect on what Jesus has done for us. There will be tons of great worship, plus Scripture reading and communion! You don't want to miss this night.

RSVP for this event and get the word out on our With One Voice Facebook event page.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Special guest speaker...Kevin?!

That's right. I was my own guest speaker on Sunday. I got a call on
Saturday morning that the pastor of Calvary Santa Fe was sick and they
wanted me to go teach for him. So, I studied for Revelation 20 as
planned, and since we can't afford to miss another weekend in
Revelation if we're going to finish on time, we video taped the
service from Saturday and played it back on Sunday morning. So while I
was teaching in Santa Fe twice, I also taught 50 miles away in
Velocity! It must be some weird time-space continuum thing or something.
From what I hear, it went really well...although I wouldn't know
because I wasn't there!

Revelation 20 sure was a crazy chapter though. Never before had we
seen God display His merciless judgment as He did then. After
thousands of years of chances, He finally throws Satan and ALL those
who rejected Him who ever lived into hell for eternity. Pretty awesome
to know sin is dealt with, but pretty sobering to think we may know
some of the people who were judged and thrown into hell!

We'll take next weekend off for The Weekend (sign up at
if you haven't yet), then we'll get our first glimpse into "The
Eternal State" in heaven in Revelation 21! It's almost over...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It can only get better from here!

It can only get better from here, because it can't get any worse for sinners in Revelation than when they are finally judged mercilessly in Revelation 20:11-15. This weekend in Revelation 20, we're asking the question, "Who's The Boss Now?!" as we look at Satan and his people who mistakenly thought they were in control. We'll see the reality of who is in control and what He'll do to those who reject Him. Get ready for a heavy message - one of excitement for those of us who follow Christ, but one of fear for those who don't!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are you being fooled?

Wednesday was April Fool's Day, as you probably know. It's the day that you can lie, make someone feel stupid, and they think it's funny. Everybody has their gimics - one company advertised a 5-star hotel inside a helicopter called a "hotelicopter". Their YouTube video (below) caused hundreds of people from around the world to call, wondering how to reserve a room! X-Box also released an advertisement for a new version of Guitar Hero called "Alpine Legend". Only this time, there's no guitars - only yodeling (video below)! YouTube even flipped their videos upside-down (which you can still do by adding "&flip=1" to the end of the URL). Expedia even offered $99 flights to Mars, advertising that "now you can save over $3 trillion on a Mars vacation"!

Satan is the king of fooling people. Revelation 19 reveals an event known as The Second Coming of Christ. He comes as a Judge to judge the sinful world. It's a highly significant event that the Bible talks a lot about:

- There are more prophecies about Jesus' Second Coming than His First Coming.
- The Second Coming is dealt with 1,845X in the Bible
- Jesus Himself mentioned it 21 times
- 1 out of every 30 verses deals with the subject & 7 out of every 10 New Testament chapters
- Second Coming is mentioned 8 times to every 1 time the First Coming was mentioned

Jesus coming as Judge is obviously a VERY significant event. In that case, why don’t we pay a little more attention? Are you being fooled into thinking that something else is more important? What has Satan used to pull your attention away to the warnings of God's Word? It's time to do as Hebrews 12:1 says and strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

What is fooling you or tripping you up? Throw it down and keep your eyes focused on Jesus!

The "Hotelicopter"

X-BOX's "Alpine Legend"

Friday, April 3, 2009

God's Idea of "All-You-Can-Eat"

Revelation 19 gives us a unique picture of God's idea of an all-you-can-eat buffet. In the first 10 verses, we'll see a picture of us, the followers of Christ, feasting on all-you-can-eat VICTORY! There's rejoicing, singing, and praising God for His almighty power. In fact, the scene is called "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb." We, the bride of Christ, will finally be united with our groom, Jesus!

Then, there's the other side of the buffet - DEFEAT. God's enemies have suffered defeat after defeat, but in Revelation 19, it's finally over for them. We see Jesus, on a white horse, riding to defeat His enemies at Armageddon. We're with him in pure white robes, but we have no weapons. Can you guess why? Because we don't have to fight! With a word a judgment from His mouth, all of Christ's enemies are slaughtered and there's unprecedented bloodshed. In fact, Henry Morris described it this way - A mighty cutting wind sweeps across their ranks, up the 180-mile column of massed men and horses, proceeding like a slicing sword directly from the powerful Word of the majestic Rider as He rides up from Edom. Like grapes trampled in a winepress, the blood bursts from their veins and death is instantaneous. Wow! Not only do God's enemies get a hearty helping of defeat, but the birds of the air get a buffet of their own! Revelation 19:21 says And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.

Read Revelation 19 in preparation for God's Idea of "All-You-Can-Eat"! Hope to see you this weekend for an unforgettable service!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bible From 30K week 1

Tonight we rocked Bible From 30K with the adults in the main service!
We made sure to represent with a few screams of course- no need to be
boring just because we're in with the adults, right?

Skip is finishing off B30K with a 2-part teaching on Revelation. It's
taken us 21 weeks to cover 18 chapters and Pastor Skip will cover the
whole thing in only 2 weeks! Wow! It was a great review. Come next
Wednesday to review a bit more and also look ahead to the end of the

Also, make sure to read Revelation 19 in prep for this weekend's
message- the marriage supper of the Lamb and the SLAUGHTER or