Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last Night!

We want to hear some feedback from you guys on what you thought of last night! Wasn't it amazing!?!?! Sometimes it is so hard to realize that there are people who go through terrible persecution everyday. What about you? Can you tell us about a time when you were made fun for your belief in Jesus? How has being a Christian affected how you live your life? Is there anything in your life that you are going to change as a result of what you learned about last night? Maybe you'll start praying for the people in those countries, maybe you'll write to a Christian prisoner (see previous blog), maybe you'll start thinking about being a missionary to those people when you get older.


Anonymous said...

i think that it was really smart and neat. it was a really good visualizatoin to see how persicution is like. i just with that the students would be more serious like not talking and laphing things like that but you cant prevent that, other than that i loved it so much it was so awsum.

ben hobbs

Anonymous said...

The message just spoke to me more then any other message ever has.. I realized that at school its hard for me to share my faith but if i cant even do that then will i be able to die for my faith??? I loved how hands on it was and how other people could die for their faiths so why cant i stand up for God????

Mandypenny said...

Can I just say how funny it is that ben made himself anonymous and then signed his name? Good job buddy ;)

This night was a leader I knew it was all coming down...and yet God was still able to use it to break down some misconceptions I had about the persecuted church.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Shocking! Kevin did a wonderful job at displaying how other countries are prosecuted for their religion. It really made me realize how lucky were are to be able to serve our God freely. All of Velocity was truly blessed to have the opportunity to experience this. It was absolutely AMAZING!!!!l

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Shocking! Kevin did a wonderful job at displaying how other countries are prosecuted for their religion. It really made me realize how lucky were are to be able to serve our God freely. All of Velocity was truly blessed to have the opportunity to experience this. It was absolutely AMAZING!!!!l

Anonymous said...

that was a good service!!!
- meri meri