Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What a contrast!

Tonight in Velocity, we studied the last of the 7 churches - the Lukewarm church in Laodicea. We talked about what it means to be lukewarm and that it makes God sick. Check out the blog below ("Lukewarm Experiment") to see an example of how Kevin and Kourtney learned hands-on about how disgusting lukewarm can get.

What a contrast there was between the lukewarm church - a church full of people who thought they were Christians, but really were not - and the persecuted church, who we ended in prayer for. The end of the night was great. We got in small groups and cut out parachutes for Voice of the Martyrs. Those parachutes will have bags of Gospel tracts attached to them and then will be dropped out of airplanes of the jungles in Colombia! Missionaries have found this to be a killer way to reach the guerillas deep in the jungles. I'd say it's safe to estimate that there's 1,000 tracts per bag. We made 105 parachutes. Do the math, and that means we could be sending out 105,000 tracts! Awesome!

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